Mission Statement
The Toole County Department of Public Safety is a consolidated city and county law enforcement organization. The mission of the Toole County Department of Public Safety is to serve and protect persons and property in the county of Toole, State of Montana. The responsibilities associated with this mission are many. They include enforcement of city & county ordinances, federal and state laws; maintaining the peace and order of the county; protecting property and personal safety; and generally assisting citizens in urgent situations.
In joining this department, officers and employees make its responsibilities their own. They are expected to carry out these responsibilities diligently and courteously and to take pride in the service they provide.
The Public Safety Commission meets every first Tuesday of the month.
Commission Members
Dan Whitted - City of Shelby Appointee
Norman Seymour - City of Shelby Appointee
Steve Osgood - Toole County Appointee
George Nickol - Toole County Appointee
Paul Steiner - At Large Appointee agreed upon by both entities